Student-Centric Solutions: Top 3 Components for A Successful Student Engagement Strategy
What makes a successful student engagement strategy? Cerritos College and Ready Education discuss what actually makes an impact when it comes to increasing student engagement and success––and the tech you need to make it happen.
Nathan Renner
Campus Partnerships
Ready Education
Jodi Rossi
Campus Success Consultant
Ready Education
Guest Speaker:
Elizabeth Miller
Dean of Student Services
Cerritos College
Guest Speaker:
Christopher Dela Cruz
Student Activities Coordinator
Cerritos College
What makes a Student Engagement Strategy Successful?
Getting your students to actually engage with their peers and in campus life can be extremely challenging. How do you ensure your students are set up for success from orientation all the way through graduation and beyond? How do you help them build supportive relationships that support their success and ensure they can access the campus resources they need when they need them most?
During this live webinar we’ll answer those questions and more!
Come join us as Elizabeth Miller (Dean of Student Services) and Chris Dela Cruz (Student Activities Coordinator) of Cerritos College share how the right student engagement platform helped give their students a voice and direct ownership in defining their college experience.
From developing an easy way to gather feedback from students about events, student services, and other campus resources, to creating a digital meeting ground for students to connect and support each other, Cerritos College will share the top initiatives that have made their new student engagement strategy-–and the tech that supports it-–a success.
With 6766 messages, 6506 comments, 3636 posts, and 11,000 likes from students in just two short months, you won't want to miss learning about how Cerritos College inspired their students to get more involved and the positive impact that involvement has had on student outcomes.
What you'll learn:
- The critical components a student engagement strategy needs so that students can’t ignore it
- The top 3 challenges you need to solve across your campus in order to make an impact on student engagement and success
- Why it’s important to find the right student engagement platform that meets all of your needs, and can help keep your whole student body organized and engaged
- What the journey was like for Cerritos College as they searched for, set up, and launched a new student engagement platform for students, faculty and staff
You should join if:
- You’re a Student Affairs professional looking for ways to better engage your students
- You’re a Student Affairs professional looking for a student engagement platform your students will actually use
- You’re an IT professional needing a tech solution that meets your requirements and satisfies what your student affairs and student service departments want from you
- You're an institution administrator looking for ways to proactively meet your students' needs, improve their experience, and improve retention