The Student Engagement Blog | Ready Education (GB)

The Importance of Community in Higher Education

Written by Ready Education | 07-Aug-2023 06:00:00

Foster a sense of community and engagement to enhance the student experience in higher education.


Higher education is not just about academia; it is also about fostering a sense of community and engagement. Creating a supportive and inclusive environment that nurtures connections and a sense of belonging is crucial for enhancing the student experience. This blog article explores the best practices to build a community and increase your student’s engagement to improve their journey.

Are you creating a supportive network?

A supportive network in universities is a social support system that includes people you trust and look to for guidance. It can include family and friends, classmates, professors and advisors. 

Building a community within higher education institutions encourages students to:

  • Engage in meaningful connections with peers, faculty members, and staff.
  • Develop a strong support system that encourages them during challenging times, provides guidance for academic and personal growth, and protects their mental health. 
  • Feel connected to a community that helps them navigate the ups and downs of their educational journey more effectively.

Academic staff can play a central role in identifying struggling students and encourage them to access support. Universities can promote entrepreneurship by supporting networks in which people can meet and exchange ideas freely.

What are you offering to enhance personal and professional development?

Community and engagement opportunities allow personal and professional development. Through extracurricular activities, clubs, and organisations, students can:

  • Explore their interests
  • Cultivate leadership skills
  • Expand their horizons

Engaging in community-based initiatives, such as volunteering, allows students to make a positive impact and develop a sense of social responsibility. These experiences complement academic learning, foster well-roundedness, and contribute to personal and professional growth.

How are you fostering collaboration?

Collaboration between students can be beneficial in many ways. It can help students: 

  • Learn from each other and develop new skills
  • Build relationships with each other and grow a sense of community
  • Boost their critical thinking capabilities and learn how to work in teams, which is an important element to succeed in the workplace

Organise group projects, team-based activities, and discussions to create a space for students to work together, share knowledge, and develop effective communication skills

Collaborative learning environments foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. 

By giving students opportunities to engage in constructive dialogue and understand diverse perspectives, you help them broaden their views and gain new insights, preparing them for future professional collaborations.

How do you promote diversity and inclusion?

Promoting inclusivity in higher education requires a review of culture, policies and curriculum. To create a more inclusive learning environment on your campus: 

  • Rethink policies to make sure they benefit all students
  • Ensure inclusivity is embedded in your institutional structures
  • Organise events, workshops and initiatives that celebrate diversity, raise awareness and promote inclusivity
  • Use inclusive language
  • Educate campus leaders about inclusion

By embracing diversity, students learn to appreciate different viewpoints, challenge biases, and develop cultural competence. Inclusive communities empower students to thrive academically and personally, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Is there enough support and guidance available to your international students?

Supporting international students is of utmost importance as they navigate new cultural, academic, and social environments. These students often face unique challenges such as language barriers, homesickness, and unfamiliarity with local customs. Higher education institutions play a vital role in creating a supportive and inclusive environment for international students. This can be achieved through a range of initiatives: 

  • Providing comprehensive orientation programmes
  • Offering language support services
  • Facilitating cultural integration activities
  • Establishing dedicated support offices or programmes specifically tailored to the needs of international students

By offering targeted support and fostering an inclusive campus community, higher education institutions can empower international students to succeed academically, build strong social connections, and thrive in their pursuit of knowledge whilst in a foreign country.

Do you provide opportunities to build lifelong connections?

We often say that the friends you make at university are for life. In fact friendship is crucial in higher education. Supportive interactions with peers can influence overall academic development, knowledge acquisition and self-esteem. Having valuable friendships during your studies can also result in improved social life, a successful, satisfying education and sought-after career opportunities. Indeed, higher education institutions are great places to build lifelong connections. Not only friendships, but also professional relationships. Engaging in community activities, attending conferences and participating in alumni events enable students to connect with like-minded individuals, potential mentors and industry professionals.

How are you handling well-being and mental health issues?

Being part of a community plays a vital role in student well-being and mental health. By fostering connections, you can create a supportive environment where students feel valued, understood and accepted. Engaging in community activities helps combat feelings of isolation, reduces stress and promotes overall well-being. Universities can provide resources such as: 

  • Counselling services
  • Peer support groups
  • Wellness programmes 

These initiatives support students’ mental health needs and ensure a positive student experience.


“Community is more than just a gathering of people in a room. It is a sense of caring about one another and for something”, Autumn Caines - Instructional Designer

By creating supportive networks, promoting personal and professional development, and empowering diversity and inclusion, universities nurture an environment where students thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. The connections made during this time can last a lifetime, providing students with lifelong friendships and valuable professional networks. Ultimately, a strong community and a sense of belonging contribute to students' holistic growth and well-being, ensuring a transformative higher education experience.

We’d love to hear about some of the initiatives your University or College has implemented to improve the student experience. Let us know in the comments or email us directly at

To learn more about all the other aspects of student experience  👉 download our guide Addressing the Six Critical Aspects of the Student Experience.