Case Study
How a Community Portal Strengthened Campus Engagement & Improved the Student Experience
Insitution Type
Private Graduate Reseach University
Customer Since
Student Numbers
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
In 2009 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) was founded as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's first mixed-gender university campus. Today the international research university boasts over 90 nationalities.
Prior to implementing CampusGroups (CG) in 2020, KAUST had a legacy student life community platform that was abandoned by administrators and staff. The main challenges with the previous system were:
Unengaging and Complicated Interface
The previous system was not interactive and complicated. Students and staff got tired and bored and just stopped using it.
Little Room for Customization
As a small research-based graduate university, KAUST needed a portal that could adapt to their needs specifically.
Lack of Automation
The legacy platform was very manual and lacked analytics and reporting capabilities

KAUST needed a unified and user-friendly portal solution available on the web and mobile. According to Frances Field, who formerly served as KAUST’s Student Engagement Specialist, “CG provides all the solutions we need in one highly-automated and easy-to-use system". These include:
1. Highly Customizable Platform
KAUST’s homepage “Campus Connect” was built to meet KAUST’s needs specifically. Photos and buttons are changed based on the time of year and what’s happening on campus.
2.Multiple Engagement Tools
KAUST’s campus app does all the day-to-day stuff for students. The activity feed, chat, events management tools, and career center are go-to features. The dedicated Commencement and Orientation apps also enhance the student experience, as does gamification.
3. Automated Workflows and Robust Tracking and Reporting Features
CG has automated key processes, with data feeding into an analytics and reporting dashboard in real time. The most popular workflows are tracks and checklists, event registration and check-in.
Support Future Growth
"Usership is growing and will continue to do so. This is because the system is constantly evolving. If there is a need, CG is quick to bridge the gap. For instance, virtual fairs were very quickly rolled out to deal with the pandemic."
Easy and Quick Implementation
"KAUST launched the CG platform in just six weeks during lockdown. This is because everything in the system is drag and drop, making the platform build out quick and easy."
Student engagement has significantly increased since CG’s implementation. The portal has also created a better user experience for students and administrators who use it daily. This is reflected in the following user stats for the first year of use, which continue to grow year-on-year:
Automated workflows were created, generating over 815 approvals.
Checklists created
and 15,633 items
checked off.
were completed in
2020 and over
5,400 check-ins in 2021.
Transformational Data
"We chose CG because it enabled us to automate key processes. Students especially like that data is tracked live, enabling them to track their process status in real time."
Foster Engagement
"The portal functions as a colorful and dynamic virtual student center! Despite being mostly virtual in the first year, KAUST reported as much engagement online as they would have had in a physical setting."

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